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Polish Women Federation 60th  Christmas Party

Polish Canadian Women Federation in Vancouver is celebrating their 60th Anniversary in 2018. Thank you, ladies, for being here in Polish Canadian Community. Longtime member and supporter of Canadian Polish Congress in British Columbia and in Canada. Our ladies are very dedicated to their mission to bring help wherever it is needed. They are always taking part and volunteer during Polish Days in Port Coquitlam and the Polish Festival in North Vancouver. For many decades they are the first to help seniors in Copernic Lodge and very active in  St. Casimir's Church community. We are very grateful and extremely happy you are with us.





On January 6,  the Polish Canadian Womens’ Federation, Branch #4 Vancouver members met together for a historic and memorable celebration of the 6oth anniversary of the birth of our federation. About 40 of us, including some honoured guests, spent an enjoyable and heartwarming afternoon together recounting tales of the past, singing Polish Christmas carols backed by the accomplished strummings of Sister Renata on the guitar and feasting on Polish delicacies. Other highlights of this memorable event included sharing a sumptuous commemorative cake that we will all remember fondly for many weeks to come, listening to Rosemary Mallory’s enchanting story and receiving Father Slawek Oblak’s stirring blessing. The afternoon was capped by our group singing renditions of both the Canadian and Polish National anthems. Many thanks to everyone who made this fantastic event possible and truly a day to remember.

(Text Janina Freyman)


Pictures J. Dobrowolska 



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