History of 'Dom Polski' and PT Zgoda
"For more information please visit the official Zgoda website http://polishsocietyvancouver.ca/"

Works is starting on 'Dom Polski'

Cremony that starting works on new Polish Center. Ceremonia wbudowania 'Kaminia Wegielnego'

How started the new Polish Centre. With dedication and hard work the project was a huge investment of Polish Community. This is one of the documents describing how the Polonia organized itself to ensure success in building Polish House. This document is in Polish language.

"Polak w BC" bulletin #1 from 1956

This is First edition of bulletin "Polak w BC" from 1956
Slide Show - early history of PT Zgoda. Includes list of all past Presidents of this Organization.

Prezes KPK B. Wilnski, Z. Owczarzak, J.Podejko, Senator Ray Perrault, w.Jarczynski Prezes SPK (1972) S. Ozdoba

Slide Show - 70 Years of PT Zgoda 1926 - 1996

Slide Show - the nineties - times to celebrate and socialize

Polish Youth Circle and Polish Dance Grouop representatives in front of St. Casimir's Church.
Mr. Edward Gacek - adjutant of Mr Zurowski is holding Polish Youth Circle Flag.
Mr Andrzej Galysa - holding Polish Friendship Zgoda Flag