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Vancouver Polish Sailing Club


20 years and counting...


The club marked their 20th anniversary with piknick in Barnet Marina Park.

Great weather at the end of the summer was cooperatig and brought many members of the Club and their friends together. Canadian Polish Congress representatives I. Swiatczak and A. Dobrowolski were also enjoying the great day in the park with the club members. The proudly displayed club owned boat is ready to train young future sailors. Commandor Janusz Krol promisses to organize training for Youth Section. This is a very exciting news for anyone who is interested joining the club. 


Please enjoy few pictures from the event.  

Also here is the link to the last weeked 'End of the Season' annual sailing weekend on the blog 'Messa Jachtowa' by Jerzy Kusmider. 


Pictures J. Dobrowolska

The group

The group

with Commander Janusz Krol

Club Yacht

Club Yacht

Iwona Swiatczak, President CPC BC

Iwona Swiatczak, President CPC BC

Jerzy Kusmider

Jerzy Kusmider

Slavek Swiatczak

Slavek Swiatczak

I. Swiatczak, J. Dobrowolska

I. Swiatczak, J. Dobrowolska

Canadian Polish Congress BC

J. Dobrowolska, our photographer

J. Dobrowolska, our photographer

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