71st Anniversary of Warsaw Uprising
It is an annual tradition to celebrate and remember the August 1st 1944 Warsaw Uprising anniversary in Polish Combatants Club in Vancouver. This year we had a very pleasant evening filled with memories and occasional poems, as well as Warld War II songs performed by the group ...... and combatants.
Thanks to all the guests for participating. Below are few pictures from the event and link to the website with history of Warsaw Uprising.
Pictures I. Swiatczak
Click here... Warsaw Uprising - the facts and pictures.
Program | |
Consul RP K. Olendzki | |
Recognition | |
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Recognition ceremony - the highest pins awarded in SPK
Odznaczenia Kombatanckie
Czlonek Honorowy SPK w Kanadzie
- Henryk Radziszewski
- Wiktor Wierzbicki
Jest to najwyzsze uhonorowanie czlonkow organizacji i przyznawane tylko przez Walny Zjazd SPK w Kanadzie , ktory odbyl sie w maju 2015 r. w Edmonton .
Krzyz Zaslugi SPK na wniosek z Kola Nr 3 w Vancouver
Zloty Krzyz Zaslugi SPK : Regina Radziszewska
Srebrny Krzyz Zaslugi SPK :
Krystyna Bohdanowicz, Leszek Buczylko, Stanislaw Jaworski, Wanda Misiek, Zdzislaw Radomski
Srebrny Krzyz Zaslugi SPK Po raz drugi otrzymal - Jerzy Bojda
Brazowy Krzyz Zaslugi SPK otrzymali - Zenon Cumming -Przybylak, Janina Stencel