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Amazing People and Stories
Stefania and Jozef Stawecki
Stefania and Jozef Stawecki came to British Columbia over 60 years ago. They immediately joined Polish Combatant's Club and became very active and well known in Polish Canadian Community. For many years Jozef and Stefania were not only in SPK, ST Casimir's Church Community, ZHP (Polish Scouts), but also actively involved in Polish Canadian Congress of BC, where Jozef was the President in 1970-71.
For 34 years Jozef was the principal of Polish School (at ST Casimir's Church), very dedicated to work with youngest Polish Canadians and concerned with retaining and keeping Polish language amongst younger generation of Polish immigrants.
For that they were recognized with countless diplomas and are still to this day not only remembered but considered a vital part of our heritage in Canada.
Although Jozef is no longer with us, Mrs Stefania up to these days is involved with SPK and Church group. Please see the pictures below that will portray the years of commitment to preserve Polish roots in the new country Canada.

Please see more pictures in the slideshow on the left - Mr and Mrs Stawecki were involved in many activities including dance group, church and Canadian Polish Congress.

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