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'Evening with Our Stars' - Oct 5th, 2014.
'Wieczor z Naszymi Gwiazdami' czyli bawimy sie , wspominamy, zartujemy i sluchamy wielu naszych wykonawcow. Koncert zroganizowany pod patronatem Kongresu Polonii Kanadyjskiej BC.
This recent Evening had a theme ' Evening with Our Stars' . In a very warm, friendly and nostalgic atmosphere the guests had the opportunity to hear favourites from the past, or timless clasics of Sinatra, Buble, Krawczyk or Ummer. The Masters of Ceremony Czarek Dura and Janusz Borys engaged the audience with their friendly nature and humorous tales which allowed everyone to have lots of fun and enjoy performances.
Many of young performers were invited to show off their talents. We thank our youth for taking part in Polonia events and for their outstanding voices and talents. Polonia now realizes that giving those opportunies to young people by inviting them to participate in our culture is crucial to foster our Polish heritage in our new country called Canada.
Please find the details of the program and pictures from this evening below in the slideshow.
Big THANK YOU to all the stars of the evening, organizers: Grazyna Kapuscinska, Robert Krylowski (akustics), Bogumila Siedlanowska (program/technical coordinator) and off course our audience who came and supported this event. Thank you !
Pictures: I.Swiatczak, R. Slawski, J. Dobrowolska, I. Kozlowski
Read: Program of the event

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