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Quo Vadis Vancouver - July 22nd -24th 2014.
International Polonia Youth Convention took place in Vancovuer - Whistler this year. With openning ceremonies in Polish Combatants Association ( SPK ) Vancouver , folloiwing with 1 day of seminars and activities in Whistler. This event was hosted by young people associated with University of British Columbia Polish Club, and supported by Canadian Polish Congress BC, Polish Combatants Association as well as Polish Consulate General in Vancovuer.
We wish all young Polonia all the best in future Quo Vadis events around the world. Successes in promoting Polish heritage and diversity Polonia brings to the countries we live in and in building connections around the world. Let us all focus on strengthenig the pride of being Polish Origin with long and rich traditions and long history of contribuions to cultures and countries around the World.
Opening ceremonies - SPK Vancouver

Closing Ceremonies YMC Vancovuer

Please see also below the message from Mr. Slawek Muturi - guest speaker at the Quo Vadis Vancouver.
This is what he wrote to KPK BC about his impression of the Polonia and conference.
"Udział w konferencji Quo Vadis był dla mnie ogromną inspiracją. Byłem pod ogromnym wrażeniem patriotyzmu, entuzjazmu oraz gotowości do działania młodej (i tej starszej) Polonii. Poruszony napisałem po powrocie artykuł do Gazety Wyborczej, który został już opublikowany."
Here is the link to the article ( in Polish) read more - article in Gazeta Wyborcza - Slawek Muturi
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